How to change the folding block on a Classic Adult Scooter
How to change the folding block on your Micro Classic Adult Scooter
Difficulty: 3/5
You will need: A vice (recommended but not required), 5mm Allen Key, 4mm Allen Key (depending on the scooter), a small screwdriver and thread lockable (Loctite)
1. Firstly, open the locking clamp on your Micro Classic Adult Scooter
2. Remove the locking ring using a small flat head screwdriver. Put the locking ring somewhere safe as it is very small
3. Remove the locking nut that is located underneath the locking ring you just removed. Hold the locking clamp with one hand and you should be able to undo the nut with your other hand. Once this is removed, pull the entire locking clamp out of the folding block
4. Use the Allen keys to remove the axle from the folding block. First, undo the screw on the left had side of the axis and then push the axle through the opposite side with the Allen key to remove
5. Press the silver and blue push buttons that release the folding block and pull the lower deck apart from the front plate
6. Using a 5mm Allen key, undo all four screw to remove the stand and release to separate the folding block from the deck
7. Get your new folding block complete and slot it back into position
8. Use Loctite on the left folding block screws and mount the stand using your Allen key
9. Use Loctite on the right folding block screws and insert them back into the folding block using an Allen key to screw them in and another Allen key on the other side to hold the bolt in place
10. Reinsert the axle through the folding block and screw using one Allen key to tighten and the other to hold the axle in place
11. Reinsert the locking complete ensuring that the lock is open with the clamp pointing down. Screw on the locking nut until it is tight and secure, then mount the small locking ring back into position
12. Last but certainly not least, close the locking clamp