How to change the clamp on a Mini or Maxi Micro
You will need: A crosshead screwdriver, a 5mm Allen key and a replacement clamp
1. Open the clamp lever and remove the screw at the back of your Mini or Maxi Scooter
2. Loosen the clamp lever with your Allen key. You don't need to remove it completely, just loosening it is fine.
3. Raise the handles and push in the black button to remove the T bar. While pressing the black button in, lift the clamp and handles up and out from the tube
4. Take the new clamp and thread the T Bar through the new clamp. You will need to push in the black button slightly to get the clamp over it

5. Put the T Bar back into position, press in the black button and reinsert the handles so that the black button pops out the hole in the lower bar
6. Line up the piece on the back of the clamp into the grove on the bar and then pull it down
7. Reinstall the rear screw
8. Tighten the clamp again to secure the handles in place and close the clamp